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High-Performance event-sourced clustered Microservices with Play! & Akka by Dominik Dorn
High Performance event sourced clustered Microservices with Play! & Akka by Dominik Dorn
Event Sourced Microservices with Play! and Akka - Dominik Dorn
Akka stack and high-performance microservices - Singapore Scala Programmers
Clustered Event Sourcing and CQRS with Akka and Java - Hugh McKee
Clustered Event Sourcing and CQRS with Akka and Java (Hugh McKee, USA)
Hugh McKee — Clustered event sourcing and CQRS with Akka and Java
Vaughn Vernon - Implementing Microservices with Scala and Akka
RedisConf 2018: Event Driven Microservices with Event Sourcing and Redis
Event Sourcing in less than 20 minutes - With Akka and Java 8 - Kiki Carter - JOTB17
Introduction to Event Sourcing using Akka Persistence bu Juris Krikis, Evolution
Events-First Microservices with Lagom by Gideon de Kok